The Graduate School of the “Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures” (CSMC, Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg im Sonderforschungsbereich 950 “Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Eu-ropa”) at the University of Hamburg invites applications for 6 Ph.D. scholarships (2012-2015)
Scholarships of € 1.365 per month (tax free) are granted for a period of three years, starting April 1st 2012. Additional support according to individual need is available.
The CSMC is a unique research centre for the historical and comparative study of manuscript cul-tures in Asia, Africa, and Europe building on decades of manuscript studies at the University of Hamburg. It was recently established with a generous grant from the German Research Associa-tion (DFG) in order to develop a comprehensive approach to manuscript cultures including disci-plines such as philology, palaeography, codicology, art history, and material analysis.
Communication in the international research community of the Centre is conducted in English, Ph.D. (Dr. phil.) dissertations should be written in English or German. First information can be found on the Centre’s webpage which will be continually updated:
We are looking for highly qualified and highly motivated Ph.D. students with an M.A. or equivalent degree in all disciplines studying manuscript cultures regardless of region. Applications from can-didates expecting to finish their degree before April 2012 are welcome.
Applications with a research proposal compatible with the programme of the Centre’s objectives, CV and copies of B.A., M.A. or other relevant certificates must be sent to the Director of the Graduate School before December 31st, 2011:
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Edmund Siemers Allee 1
D-21046 Hamburg
for more information please click Bellow
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